Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bending Light

Today we will continue learning about waves. So far we've talked about mechanical waves (sound waves or any wave that travels through a medium). Now we'll investigate part of the electromagnetic wave spectrum. Although electromagnetic waves include a huge range of frequencies, there is only a small portion that we can actually see. We call this the visible light spectrum.


  1. Check in at to earn yourself a chance to win an iPad and help WMHS earn a chance at $15,000 to be used in classrooms.
  2. LOG INTO GAGGLE. If you haven't registered yet the direction can be found here. You will submit today's classwork (Explore Learning gizmo on light) to me electronically through your Gaggle email account. There is NO printed assignment today. Instead, you will complete it using MS Word. You CAN save your work in the online locker under your Gaggle account.
  3. Go to this site and read about light and the visible spectrum. Read through to the page titled "Raindrops: Nature's Prism"
  4. Next, complete the Explore Learning Gizmo activity called "Refraction".
  5. If you are unable to finish this today you will complete this at home and submit your completed Word doc via Gaggle.

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