Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Your last review before science TAKS day!

Let's use a new online resource to help you prepare for the science TAKS.

TRACK is an easy interactive site that will check your understanding and give you instant feedback on science topics that will be on TAKS. Follow this link to get started. You'll create your own username and password. Record it so you can remember it when you log in next time.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Physics and TAKS Week review

If you are not taking science TAKS this week use this link to the PHET virtual simulation lab to complete your Electromagnetic Spectrum lab assignment. You should have a printed copy of the lab questions in front of you.

If you finish this lab you may work experiment with any of the other Physics simulations on the PHET site. (The entire list may be found here)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Review, Review, Review

If you are taking the science TAKS next week you will visit two different online resources to review.

  1. Go to this link and answer the review questions online. You will receive your score and feedback after each question.

  2. After answering all the review questions, use the Study Guide and open a new tab in your browser, then navigate to the Science TAKS Moodle (

  3. Begin with objective 2 and attempt each quiz. For a concept you're needing review on please use the resources under that objective and the TEA Online Study Guide to refresh your memory.

  4. Do this for each objectives 2, 3, and 4. We'll look at Objective 5 (Physics) next class.

If you have passed the TAKS test follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to this link and click on the Objective 5 (physics) review. These are the concepts that will be asked on your final test later this six weeks.

  2. Go to the Science Moodle and answer the quiz questions for Objective 5 (physics). (

How to access the science Moodle:

  1. Go to

  2. Log on with school username and password.

  3. Click on High Schools

  4. Subcategory- WMHS

  5. Subcategory- Science

  6. 2011 WMHS Science TAKS Prep

  7. Enroll key: wbolton

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Energy Conversions and Wave Quiz

Today you will review how energy is converted. First, complete the ExploreLearning Gizmo on Enery Conversions. Use the internet to research the last part of the Gizmo on renewable energy sources. Next, complete the handout called "Energy Transformation". Finally, complete this online quiz on waves. You may retake the quiz a second time to improve your score. Report both scores to me next class.