About Me

Hi. I'm Wes Bolton and I am a learner. You probably already knew the teacher part. The two go hand in hand. The more I teach the more I see myself as a learner. I'm 42 years old and married to a wonderful lady named Cathy. She is also a teacher in the district and teaches 4th graders at Range Elementary. We've been married for 20 years and have two great children; Nate and AlexAnne. My family considers our two dogs "adopted" into our family too. Their names are Ginger and Belle and both came to us as a result of friends who found a stray dog about to have puppies.

I was born in Japan on a U.S. Naval base and after my parents returned to the states 18 months later, lived and grew up in Ohio. My parents still live in Ohio along with my sister and her family. My dad works for a farm cooperative that processes grain and feed while my mom is a pre-school teacher.

In high school I was involved in band (trombone) and choir and quickly developed an appreciation for jazz. Right after graduation I spent the summer with a music ministry group called Continental Singers & Brass and toured much of the U.S. and part of Canada. I received my college degree four years later from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio with a B.S. in Organizational Behavior. Between my junior and senior year at Miami I again toured with the Continentals playing the trombone. This time I got to spend some time in South America (Brazil and Colombia). This is also where I met my wife, Cathy.  She is from Mesquite so I decided to move to Texas. I quickly found a job in the Dallas area after graduation before we married and we've lived here ever since.

I worked in the business world for 17 years in sales and marketing. Sensing that there was another direction for my life I enrolled in a teacher certification program and followed my interest in science. About that time I also fulfilled a long-time dream of acquiring a private pilot certificate. Over the course of several months I trained in a small single engine plane with an instructor at Mesquite Airport and completed all the tests needed to get my certificate. Aviation is a facination to me both for the science of flying and the "magic" of what it is to fly above and look down on the earth below.

I began working at West Mesquite in 2007 in the science department. Right now I'm working on my Master's Degree in Educational Policy and Administration at the University of Texas @ Arlington.

For fun I like to keep up with the aviation world, play trombone in a couple of local bands (one is a jazz band and the other a German band), and learn about what is changing with technology.

Speaking of technology, this definitely  intersects with what we do in the classroom. You and I are part of a rapidly changing world that is more and more connected. This means information, some very useful and some not so useful, is nearly always at our fingertips. Part of being a learner is knowing how to search for answers and figure out if what we've found is valid and useful. Science is all about inquiry (asking questions) and we have so many places to go for answers. I hope you'll enjoy this short journey we take together as we learn more about the physical world around us ("physics" from Greek: physis "nature") and discover what it means to be a life-long learner.