Course Expectations

Physics Course Expectations

Fall Semester 2010

Wes Bolton

Welcome to Physics! This document is designed to help you be successful in our class. Please read it carefully and don’t hesitate to ask questions if there’s anything you don’t understand.

Contact Information


Phone: 972.882.7686 (direct line at school)

Class Website/Blog: Bolton Physics 2010-11

Office Hours

My office hours are by appointment and because of my other responsibilities in the department I share classrooms with two other science teachers on "A" days (rooms A107 and A111). You can always drop by my office to see if I'm available. It is in the hallway connecting A Hall to the Cafeteria hallway.


I have a routine tutoring schedule of Mondays after school and Wednesday before school. Any other time we can work out as needed. Just see me and we'll make an appointment for a day that works for both of us. If you plan to attend tutoring mention to me that you'll be coming  and sign up on the tutoring schedule.


Spiral one-subject notebook (for your interactive notebook), notebook paper, writing utensils

Course Goals

  • Content Goal: Learn the science skills.
  • Habits of Mind Goal: Become better problem solvers by getting better at asking good questions, thinking scientifically and reasoning scientifically.
  • Collaborative Goal: Become better at working together to achieve a common objective.
  • Metacognitive Goal: Learn more about yourself as a learner and use that to become a better learner.


Homework will be your chance to continue practicing what you've learned or find an answer to a question. It will be assigned most days but will be designed to be relatively easy to complete. The goal is to move you forward in your understanding of concepts learned in class, not to be "busy work". I will choose when homework will be assessed. The only way to ensure you receive credit on a particular assignment is to make sure you have it in class.


I believe that there is a difference between assessment and grading. Assessment is less about assigning a grade and more about getting better at what we can do. Not all of your work will be graded, but all work is used to assess your learning.

Your grade will be comprised of the following three weighted categories:

20% Summative Assessment (Six Week Physics Test)

Your overall grade will be computed from the weights given to those categories using the standard Mesquite ISD grading scale (A: 90-100%, B: 80-89%, C: 70-79%, F: 69% and below).

Skills Assessment

You will be assessed over the essential skills in Physics. For each skill you will take an initial self-assessment that gives you an idea of how you’re doing, but is not recorded in the gradebook. You will then be assessed over that skill in class and your proficiency will be recorded in the gradebook.

Each assessment will be scored using the following scale:

5.0 = Demonstrates thorough understanding

4.5 = High level of understanding, but with small errors

3.5 = Demonstrates understanding, but with significant gaps

3.0 = Shows some understanding, but insufficient to be successful

2.5 = Attempts the problem

Because Physics is both conceptual and skill-based, it is essential that you understand the concepts we learn in class. Without the concept it will be more difficult to master the basic math and problem-solving skills you will need. I can’t emphasize enough how critical it is that you master these skills along the way - the expectation is that you will take full advantage of this opportunity to not only improve your grade, but to improve your understanding.

Classroom Policies

Here’s the one rule you need to remember:

Do the right thing.

Put another way: Make choices that do not cause a problem for you or someone else.

No kidding, that’s pretty much all you have to remember. Of course you have to follow all the rules in the West Mesqutie HS Student Code of Conduct, as well as all Mesquite ISD policies listed in your student information book. In the end you can say it all with "do the right thing." While I think that at least 98% of the time you know what the right thing is, if you’re ever unsure, ask.

If you really want a longer list, here you go:

You may engage in any behavior that does not create a problem for you or anyone else.

If you find yourself with a problem, you may solve it by any means that does not cause a problem for you or anyone else.

You may engage in any behavior that does not jeopardize the safety or learning of yourself or others. Unkind words and actions will not be tolerated.

We will also develop a list of expectations for each other in class.

Attendance and Tardies

This is pretty simple as well. All district and Mesquite ISD policies apply, including the rules regarding make-up work. But, in general:

It's very important to attend class every day. There’s a high positive correlation between attendance and success in school. If you are absent, you are expected to check online to see what you’ve missed before coming back to school (and to begin working on it). This will provide you the best chance to be successful.

If at all possible, don’t be tardy. Being late under normal circumstances is disrespectful to your classmates, your teacher, and yourself, and it makes it more difficult for you to be successful in our class, so please don’t be late.

In the unlikely event that attendance or tardies become an issue, then we will have a conversation and an appropriate plan will be developed to fix the problem.


If you have any questions, please contact me. Once you feel like you completely understand these expectations, please fill out this form to indicate your understanding. Thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully consider these expectations, and I’m looking forward to our Physics class together.