Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome to Physics

Welcome to our Physics class. This is the beginning of an (hopefully) interesting adventure together. My name is Wes Bolton and together this year we will be learning about Physics. All science is about good inquiry and investigation. This class will challenge you to become better at asking good questions and figuring out how to find the answer. You may be excited or even a little bit unsure about this class. Never fear! We're going to do this together and have some fun along the way.

This site is our class blog and will be an ongoing, up-to-date communication tool from me to you. Plan on bookmarking this site and referring to it often. Links to resources, announcement, and other information will be here for you whenever you need it. Your first assignment is simple: Tell me about yourself. I've told you a little about me and I want to know about you as well. We'll do this online with the laptops in class.

Go here and complete this form.

I look forward to learning together this year and becoming better at science.

Wes Bolton
August 2010

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