Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Waves Introduction

We'll begin our study of waves today. The first place to start is by defining what a wave is and how one is generated.

Your Assignment:

Part I

To begin today visit and the section on waves by clicking here.

Browse Lesson 0 on Vibration. You will find everything you need in sections a and b
The discussion here begins with Bobbleheads. Hopefully you know what these are but in case you're not sure, check ou the picture below.

Use your own paper and answer the following questions:

  1. What is vibration?
  2. What makes an object vibrate?

Continue to the section on vibration and write down what the following terms mean:

  1. Period
  2. Frequency
  3. Amplitude

Now, answer the "Check Your Understanding" questions at the bottom of the section on vibration.

Part II

Visit the Phet site at the University of Colorado by clicking on this link: Wave On A String. Play with the controls and explore how it works.
You will end the class period by completing a short assignment using this interactive. I have the inquiry handout to go along with this activity.

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